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Sweetness overload

Sweetness overload from these two gorgeous girls who made it back into my Berwick studio for their 3rd session! I photographed each of these girls when they were just over 6 months of age - a fantastic age to photograph any bubs.

They came back in for my VIP client Xmas catchup this weekend. How cheeky is it when you get siblings together - one wants to look and smile whilst the other wants to play! And of course little Talia wanted to do nothing else but power crawl off the rug every chance she had! She kept mum and dad very fit on Saturday!

As my special gift to mum and dad they'll receive their favourite image as a print. But their friends and family can help them receive more images as special gifts by simply commenting on this post which image is their favourite, AND going to my Facebook page and liking my page - easy! Here is the facebook page -

So tell me - which one is your favourite?

Inaaya & Talia - Photography Pakenham

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