Matteo can I keep you?

I know his mum and dad probably want to keep him - maybe I could just borrow him sometimes? I have little Matteo's image sitting in my Berwick studio from his newborn session and I see him at least a few times each week. I thought he was cute then! But now I kind of just want to cuddle him and keep him just like this.
Those eyes! Those big puppy dog eyes! At the beginning he just wanted to sit and stare. I was okay with that. He looked cool. And then even better, he wanted to crawl. But directly to me! Eeeeeeee. I was thinking - stay there Matteo you are too cute and I want to capture it for mum and dad to remember forever! And like that he paused. Long enough for me to get a shot. Gotta love it when that happens.
Because I mostly photograph newborn babies, it was awesome to see Matt for an older baby session. And it meant I also got to catch up with mum and dad on all their gossip....
So - friends and family if you want to help mum and dad receive some gifted prints of Matteo as my special Christmas gift to them - please comment on this blog which is your favourite image of Matteo AND head over to my facebook page and like the page. But you have to do both to make it count! Here's the page -
So what are you waiting for! Go on.....