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Orlando has serious style

I stood there and had to ask - that can't be Orlando?!! Dad kind of stood frozen - yes this is Orlando! I think he thought I'd actually forgotten. No most definitely not - I could see that little face of his from his newborn session 8 months ago. But my goodness - check out this little guy!

And yes - one can not look at Orlando and not notice that he has quite a bit going on up top. Dad says chop it - mum says No Way!!

Why is it that so many boys get the beautiful long hair whilst little girls (like my darling Alexandra) wait until they're 4 before there's so much as a wisp to put in a hair clip! I also remember that sort of sad feeling in having that first hair cut. They were born with that hair! I made that hair! So I totally understand mum on this one.

Orlando is at one of my favourite ages to photograph. At around 8 months of age babies are generally okay to sit on their own (although dad actually held Orlando in these sitting images to keep him safe), they roll around in a way that we can't even dream of doing without a few grunts (!), happily lift their head up when are on their tummy, but they still look like - well ... babies. I just love it.

Thanks so much for bringing him in Daniel.

And for friends and family of mum and dad, please comment on this post which is your favourite image. Then if you also go to my facebook page and like my page, mum and dad will make their way towards receiving additional gifted prints of Orlando's special xmas session. But please remember you need to do both - comment and like, comment and like, comment and like....(only once though of course - you can't re-like a page!).

Orlando - Baby Photoshoot
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